FitnessByDay.comWhat repetition range is best for building muscle?Training with resistance is a fantastic way to accelerate your metabolism. Resistance can come in the form of dumbbells, bands, body...
FitnessByDay.comWhat are the best tech tools for online personal training?Thanks to Peloton and Mirror advertisements nearly everyone has seen that online personal fitness training is a reality. I'm a huge...
FitnessByDay.comIs working from home in Houston leaving your feeling a bit stiff? Here is some quick relief.Even as a personal trainer here in Houston I've found that working more from home has left me feeling a bit more stiff than usual. The...
FitnessByDay.comPersonal Trainer's Favorite Healthy Food Choices for a Quick Bite My wife and I are living in Houston's Med Center while preparing to move into our new home in Sienna Plantation. Sienna is a beautiful...